De diagnose

One day, you sit in front of the doctor and, after a year of labs and tests, you get the diagnosis, ... MS (Multiple Sclerosis). At that moment, I have conflicting feelings. On the one hand, a panicky feeling, not knowing what is going to happen to me. How will the disease evolve, will I end up in a wheelchair? On the other hand, relief. The thing that had been holding me in its grip for a year suddenly had a name: MS. You can only fight a battle if you know what you are fighting.

Accepting it 

You have to accept the situation, and it is only then that something can be done. Accepting does not mean resigning yourself to it. No, so much can still be done with MS. The Sales manager becomes a househusband. At home I could work at my own pace, without pressure. From making dinner to ironing, from cleaning to shopping. Everything at my own pace and with regular breaks.

Making it known

I was surprised at how many people questioned the fact that I was no longer going to work and was staying at home. So I thought I should let everyone know. Since you can't put "I have MS" on your facebook page, I wrote the following poem and put it on my facebook.

I am a man like many others
I walk and I jump
Although, not really
But I walk and I cycle
Actually, I do not look at what I cannot do,
But I enjoy what I still can do
Because there are still many things
Only... not for long
You don't notice anything

It's just as well
Because I am still the same,
The same, with MS

I didn't want people to feel sorry for me, but I wanted to make it clear that a new Koen was born. I was already an epicurean, and now I appreciate and enjoy the little things in life even more. Such as the fact that my wife and my daughter enjoy the food I prepare. Or such as the peace and quiet in a forest, of a good book. Such as all the things I now have (more) time for.
I have adapted my way of life, but I am certainly as happy as I was before my MS.

Sanofi Belgium, MAT-BE2100157, v1, 02/2021